Friday, August 29, 2008

Mommy/Daughter Date Night

Curly Girl and I had a Mommy/Daughter Date Night tonight at Barnes and Noble. They usually have a family game night the last Friday of the month. This time, however, because of the holiday weekend they decided to do it last Friday so we missed it.

We decided to make the best of it so Curly Girl picked out a game that she wanted and a stack of books. She used some of her birthday money to buy the game and three books. We then went to the cafe to read some others.

The first thing she wanted was a giant sugar cookie (her favorite). I had a Godiva hot chocolate made with skim milk. They are sooo good! When Hubby and I used to hang out at B&N before kids that was our ritual. Get a huge stack of magazines, I would have the hot chocolate and he would get a cafe aulait.

Anyway, back to tonight. We settled in, Curly Girl ate 95% of her cookie (I had a little bit of it) and some milk. I gave her the money to pay for it and let her go up to the counter and order. She was so proud of herself. I showed her how to pay and get the change back.

We sat and read some books. She's doing so well reading the Stage 1 books. I'm so proud of her! We've always tried to encourage our girls to read and have always kept plenty of books around the house. Before we went to B&N we stopped by Toys R Us and after walking around every aisle she chose not to buy anything because she wanted to go to B&N.

While we were sitting there she says to me, "Mommy, I'm a grown up now so I have to tell you something."

I said, "What's that?"

She says, "Well, when I was a little baby you told me I can't say hate because that's a bad word. Well, now that I'm a grown up I just want to say that I hate hot chocolate."

Trying not to laugh out loud I said, "That's ok. I guess you are grown up enough now to use that word." A woman that was walking by glanced at me and smiled.

She ended up buying the game and three books and I let her pay herself. Just watching how confident she was handing over the stuff to the cashier and waiting to be rung up made me realize just how grown up she is now.

We just got home a bit ago. As we were walking in Munchkin heard the dog bark and knew we were home so Hubby let her come down from bed to say goodnight to us. Curly Girl and Munchkin gave each other a big kiss and hug and Curly Girl helped her baby sister get back into bed.

Things like this just make me so happy and I just want to remember these moments the rest of my life.
A ladybug on her finger


Unknown said...

love your blog its really cute and i noticed you use the cutest blog on the blog design how did you get the blog layout to work. I've tried several different times with no luck please email me at ezziriah at gmail dot com

Beck said...

That sounds like such a nice evening - I love one on one time with my girls!
And I had to laugh at the bit about her feeling old enough to hate something now - we've forbidden that word at our house, too.

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Oh I just love this post! I miss the days when 'hate' was a bad word!

Love that you had a Mommy/Daughter date night. Can't wait for those. My daughter is 15 months and both my hubby and I are just itching to have those nights with her.

Cute blog here! Just wandered in from somewhere, but can't remember where! lol